Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Traditional Shopping In West Yorkshire: Visit Leeds Market House!

Do you live in the West Yorkshire area? Maybe you’re planning on a visit there soon, perhaps even a shopping trip? If so, then one place you should definitely add to your itinerary is Leeds Market House, an historic and traditional shopping destination. Located near both the bus station and the Corn Exchange on Vicar Lane, the market house is situated in an historic old building that commands the nearby area. Possessed of multiple entrances, you can stroll in from all sides and be greeted by the cries of stallholders hawking their wares in unintelligible comedy voices. (Hey, that's what it sounds like to me! 'Cherries' mysteriously becomes 'chayse!' What's that all about?)

What can you buy in Leeds market house? Well, there's probably a shorter answer tot the question, 'What can't you buy in Leeds market house?' Let's just consider the existence of the meat market, the fish market, the ethnic and carribean food stalls, the books stalls, the mobile phone accessory stands, the hairdressers, the cafes, the fruit and veg stalls, the cheese stalls, the groceries, the frozen foods, the clothes shops, the florists, the health food kiosk, the deli, the haberdashers... where do I finish? Where do I start?

Would you like to actually have a stall yourself at Leeds market house? Hey, that might be an option too! There's even a booth right in the building staffed by local council workers, where you can get tons of information and advice on the subject. In these times when jobs are hard to come by and self-employment strays across the brain in odd moments as an alternative, it's a subject that may be worth a little consideration and study.

Aesthetically the market house is a pleasure to shop in: perhaps a little shabby and old-fashioned, but also highly traditional with bags of atmosphere. It may not be quite as cheap as the outdoor market just close by (especially with respect to the fruit and veg stalls), but there are still many items you can pick up for an absolute song. You can traipse up and down flagstoned walkways and avoid the butcher's market staff pushing trolleys around with gay abandon. Or maybe check out one of the cosy and inexpensive cafes dotted around. Seriously, whatever you want, there isn't much that you can't find at Leeds indoor market!

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